Protimeter MMS 2 BLD8800 | BLD8800-S
Complete moisture measurement and diagnosis system for building environments - designed for one-handed use.
- Pin mode
- Search mode (non-invasive)
- Laser pointer surface (non-contact) temperature measurement
- Ambient relative humidity and temperature measurement
- Equilibrium humidity measurement in concrete floors
- Psychometric calculations
- Data logging
Protimeter Mini Hygrostick Extension Lead – BLD5806
The Mini Hygrostick Extension Lead (BLD5806) - allows you to connect the Protimeter Mini Hygrostick to the MMS2, which will enable you to make equilibrium, relative humidity & temperature measurements of concrete floors.
- Required to extend the capabilities of the MMS2
- Protimeter MMS2 Moisture Meter
Protimeter Pin Needles – BLD0500
Protimeter Humidity Box – BLD4711
Protimeter Humidity Sleeves – BLD4902
Protimeter Deep Wall Probes – 5in (130mm) – BLD5018
Protimeter Deep Wall Probes – 9in (240mm) – BLD5020
Protimeter Salt Analysis Refill Pack – BLD4901
Protimeter refill for the Salts Analysis Kit, includes 10 additional tests for both chlorides and nitrates and a replacement plastic scoop plus full instructions.
This pack replenishes the salt resources supplied with the Protimeter Salt Analysis Kit and contains:
- 10 x Nitrate no 1 tablets
- 10 x Nitrate no 2 tablets
- 10 x Chloride tablets