Leica Cable Detection – Open Training Course

£99.00 Price incl. VAT: £118.80

Choose this accredited safety product training course for you and your staff, and be confident they will be taught the best of the best industry experts. On completion of the course you will be issued with a Leica
Geosystems Detection endorsed training certificate. This will aid you when selecting Insurances when demonstrated the correct equipment has been used.

If you choose the GPS & Data Capture models this will also help with usage date / time and GPS locations.

Date: 12 March 2025
Cost: £99.00 Per Person

To book a course please download this Leica Cable Detection Training Course – Booking Form or call us on 0800 292 2188. The course consists of both a classroom and practical element, and takes approximately 3 hours – starting at 9.00 am.



Course Outline

This half day course is designed for frequent users of Leica Geosystems Cable Avoidance equipment and can be also known as Familiarisation or Cat & Genny training. Our Product training is designed to maximise the practical use of the equipment during the training course** and we have developed an effective method of limiting the classroom time and teaching the theoretical aspects of the technology outside when using the equipment. This method is designed to maximise the learning outcomes and limit the effect of “Death by Powerpoint”.

The Product Training consists of Theoretical and Practical elements:

The Theory
  • Why we use cable avoidance equipment
  • HSG47 guidance in relation to Cable locating equipment
  • Site reconnaissance
  • Identifying and working within signal interference
  • EML limitations and possible solutions
  • Locator overview | Transmitter overview
  • Sweep search and pinpointing | Auto Sensitivity techniques
  • Effective initial use of the Signal Transmitter in Induction and Connection
  • Using crossover to aid Avoidance
  • Earthing techniques | Connection methods | Induction methods
  • Accessories
  • Depth estimations and verifications
  • Multiple choice question sheet (Assessment)
The Practical
  • Carrying out an equipment check and access and adjust an option in the menu.
  • Visual inspection of the work area.
  • Assessing the area for utilities.
  • Calibration and Health check verification
  • Transmitter connection mode
  • Pinpoint, trace, direction and depth verification available signals
  • Mark all pinpoints and directions
  • Connection verfication
  • As above in Induction mode
  • Validate and identify changes in Induction Null mode
  • Passive sweeps using methods used in during the Active (transmitter) sweeps

Booking Form

Date: 12 March 2025
Cost: £99.00 Per Person

To book a course please download this Leica Cable Detection Training Course – Booking Form or call us on 0800 292 2188. The course consists of both a classroom and practical element, and takes approximately 3 hours – starting at 9.00 am.

Leica Cable Detection Training Course - Booking Form


We provide all of the training equipment and stationary at no extra cost and each trainee will have the range of Locator they are issued with on site.

Each trainee will have their own Locator to use to maximise their practical experience during the training. Trainees are encouraged to conduct a survey as they would in their workplace using the techniques listed above. Support and guidance is offered throughout the practical training and feedback will be provided if extra support is needed going forward.

To aid effective continued use of the equipment we can provide on going support and training. Please ask for details on our Training Support Packages.

A Leica Geosystems Detection endorsed training certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the training valid for 3 years.

**The duration and amount of Practical training is dependent on the suitability of the accessible training area and environmental conditions.

What is a Cable Locator and why do I need one?

HSE - Health & Safety Executive

HSG47: Avoiding danger from underground services

By law, breaking ground requires the use of a cable locating device to obtain accurate information about the location of buried utilities in order to protect employees and equipment during any excavation project.

Cable strikes result in unnecessary costs, reduce profit potential and introduce project delays.

This publication updates the guidance contained in the previous edition of HSG47 Avoiding danger from underground services. It outlines the dangers which can arise from work near underground services and gives advice on how to reduce the risk.

Additional information

Leica Geosystems

Course Documents

Course Documents

Booking Form

To book a course please download this Leica Cable Detection Training Course – Booking Form or call us on 0800 292 2188

Leica Cable Detection Training Course - Booking Form

Course Content

For more information on this accredited safety product training course download Leica Cable Detection Training Course – Course Content or call us on 0800 292 2188

Leica Cable Detection Training Course - Course Content